Sesame Social logo Member Dashboard

We've upgraded our Sesame Social platform with exciting new features, and we would LOVE to get you set up! Getting started is easy; all you need to do is provide us with your practice name and email address.

For questions or immediate assistance, please call us at 1-866-856-2050 ext. 1

Content Center:

Curated articles from across the web – filter by topic, search by keyword, or add specific RSS feeds of your choosing.

Screenshot of content center

Screenshot of content center

Access to hundreds of stickers to customize any photo you have, including custom frames designed with your practice logo and branding!

Overlay stickers on your photos

What's new in this tool?


Image Library

Choose custom stickers designed specifically for you to jazz up your photos!


Social Listening

View, comment, and respond to visitor posts, comments, reviews, and even private messages from one place!


Real Time Analysis

Get real-time analysis of your Facebook page, including top performing posts.


Photo Editor

Access hundreds of stickers for any occasion to customize your photos.



Schedule a single post or several posts at a time, all optimized for peak performance based on YOUR audience.


Content Center

Quickly view, preview, and post trending articles from our Content Center of articles curated from across the web.